Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Project Photobooth

Here are the first two official installments of Project Photobooth. My goal is to visit every photobooth in Manhattan and Brooklyn.

#1: Coney Island

#2: Union Pool, Brooklyn

Many more to come!


  1. Go, go, go girl! Can't wait to see more. Of course you know about The Ace Hotel one and the digital one at Hammacher Schlemmer? ( if you are into more than dip and dunk booths.)

  2. thank you very much! I absolutely love your blog!
    we made an attempt to use the booth at The Ace Hotel but it was acting up that night - I'm looking forward to going back though. I am partial to dip and dunk booths, but i'll give Hammacher Schlemmer a shot..thanks for letting me know!
